Compare and Contrast Essay
This will be the second essay of the semester.
2 or more pages follow outline.
Typed, dbl spaced
Original title
Include specific examples
Intro, body paragraphs, conclusion
Thesis, topic sentences
Strong support
Top right hand corner your last name and page number
Must submit essay through the assignment dropbox.
Here is your list of topics you can choose from:
1.A place you remember from your childhood compared/contrasted with how it is today
2.Comparison/contrast of toys of past with toys of today
3. Two songs or two song eras
4.Television when you were a child (or even television before you were born) as compared to television today (be more specific as to what differences/comparisons you want to make)
5.Two neighborhoods
6.Females vs. male consumers (or shopping habits)
7.Two characters from film or fiction
8.Your father’s and mother’s attitude about success, abortion, etc.9.high school and college instructors10.your best and worst bosses11.your best and worst apartment12.two methods of losing weight, investing money, learning to dance, etc.
13buying or leasing a car14.two popular bands15.two athletes, coaches, or teams16.two talk shows, soap operas, or news and cable television18.male and female attitudes about marriage, money, sexual harassment, etc.religion vs. cults19.two computer programs20.Republican and Democratic solutions to a social problem21.past and current fads, customs, patterns of behavior22.American attitudes toward money, sex, marriage, success and those of another culture23two methods of punishing criminals24.two popular restaurants, bars, health clubs, coffee shops, etc
Or anything else you want but you have to compare and contrast both topics.
ACGM Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes.
5. Use Edited American English in academic essays.
Communication: Laredo Community College students develop and express ideas through effective written, oral, or visual communication or various academic and professional contexts.
Critical Thinking: Laredo Community College students demonstrate the ability to design, analyze, synthesize and/or evaluate information to achieve a desired goal.
Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Laredo Community College students apply scientific and mathematical concepts to analyze and solve problems.
Teamwork: Laredo Community College students consider different points of view and work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
Personal Responsibility: Laredo Community College students connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
Social Responsibility: Laredo Community College students demonstrate intercultural competency, civic knowledge, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and/or global communities.
Any topic (writer’s choice)