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** Everyone should work independently on this section. There are many, many examples to choose from in the above video. It would be very unusual for two students to submit the same observations by complete coincidence.**

In the video above, a person is reading a story written in standard English. However, they have translated the story into Jamaican Creole (also known as Jamaican Patois). There are obvious differences between standard English and Jamaican Creole, but the story should be mostly understandable (especially by following along with the text).

Using the video above, find the following differences between Jamaican Creole and California English:

1) 3 phonetic/phonological differences
3) 3 morphological differences
2) 2 syntactic differences

For each difference, indicate the following:

1) What the sentence/word is in California English
2) What the sentence/word is in Jamaican Creole
3) Explain the difference using the appropriate terms and concepts learned in class.
video link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=14&v=yiESzTc4-rg&feature=emb_titlea

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