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Country of Origin-of-Effect

Editing and/or adding of the assignment with harvard referencing in 3000 words. (with all my lecturer’s slides)

In practice one finds immense variation between multinationals originating in different countries (so-called country-of-origin effect) in the approach to human resource management. Critically discuss this statement, illustrating the extent to which you agree or disagree with it and the reasons underpinning your position. Use evidence and example as appropriate.

According to my lecturer, he says that I am not answering to the question and avoiding large charts etc in main text.. put at annex.. eg all the Figures  (I will count them as word count)

1. define country of origin.. COO

2. from your slides, mention what are the effects of country of origin

3. then use examples (some of what u found out) – that yes COO does affect the IHRM practices and they are different depending which countries.

4. then use examples (some of what u found out) – that NO,  COO does NOT affect the IHRM practices and they are different depending which countries – due to Host country effect.

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