Discuss how both as Christian leaders and followers we are called to ethical behavior. How could those Christian leader and follower behaviors influence the building of an ethical organizational culture? How might those behaviors and resulting cultures differ (or not) from those involving non-Christian from an ethical perspective? Incorporate the results of your Ethics Audit to discuss the principles within your organization or if not the member of an organization, use an organization with which you are familiar.
As always, be sure to incorporate course study material, personal worldview, experiences, observations, and reasoning principles from our textbooks as well as scriptural guidance. Support your thoughts with with peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
These discussions are intended to be scholarly dialogs and for each thread, you must support all of your assertions with proper scholarly support in APA format with sources listed as References at the end of the post. Support ALL claims and information provided. Discussions threads are expected to engage the assigned subject matter, drawing on the reading and study materials within the course as well as additional researched scholarly materials. A minimum of 4 scholarly sources are required for your initial thread. Acceptable sources are textbooks, Bible, peer-reviewed journal articles, and quality popular press articles (HBR, Forbes, BusinessWeek, etc.) with no more than 1 popular press article per week.
770- Christinan Leadership and Followership in Ethical Organizational Culture