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Any topic (writer’s choice)

What factors influence the choices women make when they choose what clothes to wear?/How do social expectations and institutional norms (such as workplace and school dress codes) influence the choices women make when they choose to wear clothes? And how do women’s choices about their appearance influence social expectations and norms? Remember to discuss how race and class can lead to different expectations for different populations.


Review their schools recommendations to initiate this discussion. If the institution does not provide this information, consider recommendations from other schools (Princeton University; Emory University).

Womens networking groups such as Girls Lounge have emerged as a way for professional women to support and guide younger professional women. This New York Times interview with Girls Lounge founder Shelley Zalis addresses business-sector influence on feminine appearance. You may consider the impact of women-lead organizations on changing norms of professional attire.

Review the natural hair issue raised in this weeks lecture. Reflect on the hairstyles of your teachers, doctors, and other professional women you have encountered. How did these women wear their hair? Did they notice any differences based on profession, race, or ethnicity?

I would like to see a topic sentence that expresses your point of view about the chosen topic, either at the beginning, middle or the end of your response. Personally, I prefer to see your point of view at the beginning just because it is straightforward that way, however, you are free to choose what would be the best for your writing. Wherever you choose to put your topic sentence, please do articulate your point of view in one to two clear sentences. Then, use details (examples, data, etc) to support your argument.

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