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The Analysis Project is a focused research essay that performs a “close reading” of one of the complete works of  literature or any visual artwork (painting or photograph) included the course modules.

Students also may not substitute outside materials. (For example, just because an artist was discussed for one painting does not mean you may go on the internet and find a different painting by that artist – you must write about the exact artwork presented in the course. Likewise, several poets and writers are presented yet you may only analyze the specific poem or story presented in the course modules.).

Your essay should offer an analytical interpretation of the work of art or work of literature by having a thesis about what the piece seeks to express and how the artist or author accomplishes this expression formally in its historical context.

The paper should address the form, content, and context of the work, although not necessarily equally. 
Two outside/secondary sources are required.  (JSTOR, a database accessible through the FSCJ Library & Learning Commons is the best online research tool to find books and articles for Humanities.) You may have more than two secondary sources, although in a paper of this length, more than four will limit the possibility for you to clearly develop your own voice and present your thesis about the work.

A note on sources: The provided course material does not count as an outside source. Sources are journal articles, books, and quality multi-media, such as videos and museum blogs. Sources may be primary (such as a letter or publication by the artist him/herself) or secondary (such as scholarly criticism or historical research). Only one of your sources may be a web-based source, although certainly you may access print sources such as books and journal articles digitally.

**Any and all sources must be documented correctly using MLA citation.**  Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are not acceptable; consequences as detailed in the college’s student code of conduct fully apply, including failure of the assignment and referral for disciplinary action.

The paper should be 3-4 pages, at least 750 words and no more than 1250 words, and be typed, double-spaced in MLA format. 

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