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business topic with an argument

Examination and analysis of a business issue.
Please write a 4-5 page double spaced term paper on a pre-approved business topic of your choice using APA format. Your paper will be graded using the rubric
You must determine how your topic relates to you either personally or professionally and include that connection in your paper.
Term Paper is written in Times New Roman or Ariel, 12 font, and is 4-5 pages in length.
Paper has correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
All paragraphs include introductory sentence, explanations or details, concluding sentence with a transition
Information is logically organized, any work that is not original has been properly cited.
All sources are no more than 2 years old, accurately documented and properly formatted
  8 or more sources were used
Your paper must have an argument, and you must support your argument with evidence.

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