The article in question can be found at the link above. There are a few points I would like each student to address in their initial post. According to the author, in what ways can music serve as a tool for cross cultural communication?Going beyond the article, consider this broader musical and artistic implications here: […]
Archive for the ‘Art’ Category
scholarship essay

Hi, I was accepted to the music production program at Vytautas Magnus University and am currently applying to receive a Scholarship there. I have to write the motivation letter where I need to express why I should be awarded this scholarship. Because I have never written such essays I need help with it as It […]
Child Development

Select an appropriate song for one of the following age groups: 2-year-olds, 4-year-olds, or 6-year-olds. Provide the lyrics to the song as well as a rationale justifying the song selection for the age group. Your rationale must consist of at least 500 words (not including the lyrics) and cite at least two additional sources.
Documentaries review

Length: 2000 wordslooking the TWO documentaries 1. Blue. Dir. Derek Jarman, UK, 1993. 1h19. 2. The Gleaners and I. Dir. Agnes Varda. 2000. 1h22m. )write an […]
5-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Proposal Assignment

Overview: In this module, you explored how the power of photography helped bring the unspeakable to light and how it helped open the eyes of the world tothe complexities of the human experience. Photography became a primary means of exploring, often undermining predominant cultural values. The visualnarratives of photojournalism mined truths and forever influenced the […]

Select a photo from 19501980 in which the subject, the photographer, or both are from apopulation whose full inclusion in society was considered a matter for political debate (e.g., Black Americans, women, LGBTQ+ people, disabled orneurodivergent people, Indigenous Americans, certain immigrant populations, certain ethnic or religious minorities). Based on your research, briefly describe the context […]
Man with a movie camera

Identify the film as either exemplary of a REALIST or FORMALIST approach, and use the designated reading materials to find specific ways to support this identification. Watch the film: Man with a Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929) Identify the film as either exemplary of a REALIST or FORMALIST approach, and use the designated reading materials […]
Response Essay

Submit on Canvas by Saturday at 11:59 p.m. one essay responding to the two texts The Laramie Project / Fires in the Mirror ). What do you notice in terms of narrative, structure, themes, and relevancy today? What connections can you draw between the plays and theoretical concepts? What questions come up for you as […]
Response Essay

Please write a thoughtful, thorough 3-page response to the film performance (M. Butterfly). video required 2.99 renting fee) Here are some questions to get you started. These questions are to be used as a starting point. You do not need to answer every question. Please do not write a list of bullet points/answers. Support […]
transmedia adaptation

Introduce a transmedia work that belongs to the genre of the week IP dramaSource text: Iron man (comic)Target text: Iron man series 3. Summarize and explain the similarities and differences between the source text and target text in terms of narrative plot and visuality, and then offer an explanation. 4. Quote at least one assigned […]