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Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Media Industries in East Asia

Select ONE from the following topics: include 10 reference1. Select any specific aspect(s) of media industries in two of the following five mediasystems China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and compare it/them.Discuss the similarities and/or differences between the two. Specific aspect(s) can be:media history, media content, media control/regulation, media policy etc. 2. Select […]

World Art – Compare and Contrast Research Paper

Compare and Contrast of these 2 Socialist Realism Paintings: SOVIET UNION – “Roses for Stalin” by Boris Vladimirski, 1949, oil on canvas COMMUNIST ERA CHINA – “Chairman Mao Inspects the Guangdong Countryside” by Chen Yanning, 1972, oil on canvas ========== Start by introducing the two paintings. Include a main point, theme, question, or argument (thesis) […]


may be about a classical event watched on screen, such as the New York Metropolitan Operas HD broadcasts of operas, or a full-length recital or concert on the online Classical TV channel or on PBS, to name a couple of examples.  These must be performances of classical music, (the name of our course is Masterpieces […]

10 Examples of Classical Revival Style Movement

INTRODUCTION: A stylistic description of the Classical Revival Style Movement and a brief discussion of why it’s important. A brief biography of one famous designer of this movement. (Could be any designer or architect) BODY: Choose 10 examples that best represent Classical Revival Style Movement, could be architectural and design elements, furniture items, decorative objects, […]

Runway review

Evaluate the most recent Spring or Resort (mens or womens) collection on the Vogue.com website discussing the application of at least 2 of the design ELEMENTS and one of the color theory elements. Please be sure to include the name of the brand and if you think it was done effectively.

Squishy balls

So one thing is squishy balls are made from glue, salt and freezing for 2 minutes. Thats literally it unless you role it in glitter. You can stick them to walls but they are not sticky you can make them into molds and they will stay in place and you can bounce them, squish them, […]

Rubens’ Allegory of War & Velasquez’ Surrender at Breda

1. Introduction and Thesis -Introduce the artwork titles, period styles and artists names ( Rubens’ Allegory of War & Velasquez’ Surrender at Breda)-Briefly state what you believe is significant about these artworks-What works of art you will be discussing and why you think they are important 2. Stylistic analysis -Correctly identify artwork titles, period styles […]

cisgender woman, transgender woman, or pangender artist of color (regardless of where they were born)

Absolutely no Internet sources are allowed as references (in the citations or bibliography) EXCEPT those of scholarly articles in the library databases, museum websites, and legitimate news agencies, such as the BBC. If you think you have a genuine Internet source that does not fall into these categories, please contact me FIRST. You must cite […]

Week 1 Discussion

What is one hip hop song that resonates with you? This can be a song from any era, ranging from the old school to the current day. Type the name of the song, the artist, and include a link to the song (Spotify, Youtube). For example: A song that resonates with me is ‘Scenario’ by […]

Week 8 Discussion

Week Eight Asynchronous Discussion (150-350 words): In Why White Kids Love Hip-Hop, Bakari Kitwana discusses the emergence of data-gathering technologies, such as the Nielsen-Soundscan, used by retailers to buy more strategically and for record labels to see where many of their CDs are selling throughout the country (Kitwana 87). However, a misled trust in data […]

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