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Archive for the ‘Law’ Category

Technology in Homeland Security

*** LINK TO ARTICLE- https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Lessons%20Learned%20Social%20Media%20and%20Hurricane%20Sandy.pdf ** lease read and provide a 2-3 page response / essay (APA/MLA) format to the article in which you state the problem being address and how the DHS is trying to solve / has solved it. Please include your own opinions on the efforts of DHS, are they doing the […]


Develop an annotated bibliography with at least three scholarly resources. The annotated bibliography should be a minimumof one page in length. Identify at least three scholarly sources that you will use to support your research paper. Each source should be formattedas a reference in APA Style, and you should follow each reference with a summary. […]


View video below, which includes American Imams preaching the Islamic Takeover of the United States and DEATH to anyone who does not strictly adhere to the Koran, to wit: apostates, LGBTQ+ individuals, and women considered dishonorable. Share your thoughts and perspective about the video and how it relates to terrorism today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUcb_l3j5I8

The gate-keeping functions of the court as contained within the Judicial Review Act (JRA), attempts to strike a balance between access to the courts and preventing the courts from being overburdened by applications for judicial review.

Paper is based on ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. Please read all the instructions and make sure you fully understand before biding.No plagiarismAll sources must be cited and the case law to show the application of the law in relation to the topic. Using the PRES system, any applicable legislation and relevant recent case law (after 2015) from […]

Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut

Read uploaded files: Please write a short synopsis of the case using the brief outline below no longer than two pages. Case brief written assignment expectations: Facts: This should be a quick list of facts, but make sure to include any legally significant facts. Procedural history: These are notes about the journey the case has […]

Introduction to Criminal Justice

With the rise of technology and social media, the criminal justice system has increasingly become transparent and information is now easily accessible and widespread. Your task is to research a recent controversial case in which a verdict was pronounced and provide a full, analytical report on it, responding to the following questions: What crime was […]

Introduction to Criminal Justice

You will prepare an outline for your paper that will include at least four resources. Your outline should plan out the structure of your paper and organize content. For more information on how to develop an outline, see Purdue OWLs ***I attached the final paper proposal for you as well***

Israeli violations of International Law (Genocide)

1. Human suffering and armed conflict (JvdV) Based on the problmatique assignedto you, youwill prepare an advisory report,taking therole of a legal / policy advisor from Open Society Foundation/ Amnesty International / HumanRights Watch, UNHCR or a regional Human Rights NGO of your choice. Your advisory reportshould include the following:You are expected to refer to […]

Jurisdiction Overlap

As an investigator with the Federal Public Defenders Office, you are assisting Assistant Federal Defender Lilly Jones with gathering background information on offender Ben Smith, who pled guilty to distribution of a controlled substance (5 kilograms of cocaine). Mr. Smith is being sentenced next month. -What sentence is required in this case based on the […]

human trafficking and migrant smuggling

Content How well did you address the topic and/or answer the question(s)? Is your answer as well as the material you present accurate and relevant to the topic? Do you support your answer with relevant and well documented material (if necessary)?Grammar & Spelling Proper punctuation, capitalization, and correct spelling.Make sure you address the items(s) below […]

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