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Archive for the ‘Natural science’ Category

SCI 207 (Our Dependence On The Environment) Weekly Assignment

* 3 Paragraphs* 2 scholarly sources + course text Your Term: Hydroponics [First Paragraph: Thoroughly define your term, using your own words to do so. In your definition, be sure explain why the term is important to know. Be as specific as possible and provide examples as necessary to support your ideas.] [Second Paragraph: Discuss […]

SCI 207 Our Dependence upon the Environment (Week 1 Essay)

Use 2 Scholarly Resources and chapters 1/2 of the attached text for the 3 paragraphs below around the key term. Your Term: Deforestation [First Paragraph: Thoroughly define your term, using your own words to do so. In your definition, be sure to explain why the term is important to know. Be as specific as possible […]

Mitigating Environmental Racism

This is a continuation. I will provide previous parts upon selection as the writer. This part of the Course Project expects you to address aspects of environmental justice by considering the following questions.     What has the community done?    What have allies from outside the community done?    Describe the policies in place […]

Pros and Cons of Tanning Booths

The indoor tanning industry runs a public relations campaign that highlights positive findings about indoor tanning, promoting it as part of a healthy lifestyle. Explore two or three tanning industry web sites and make a list of their arguments for tanning. Countering these claims are the studies published in scientific journals that support the view […]

Mitigating Environmental Racism

This is a continuation of a previous assignment. I will provide the redacted document upon selection as my writer. For this assignment, you will identify and weigh the effectiveness of strategies that serve to mitigate environmental racism and work toward environmental justice. Tasks: This part of the Course Project expects you to address aspects of […]

Ecological Rationality

This week we will work to define ecological rationality. To help unpack this complex concept, explore one recent example of public officials (policy makers, leaders, etc.) employing this type of thinking to advocate for systemic change and address environmental problems. As part of your analysis, respond to the following questions.     What issues were […]


– NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. Can only be from powerpoints provided – this would be 8-10 pp. (double spaced) and address a topic of interest to you from the course using the lectures and readings as sources. Topics might include “Is there a Mediterranean diet?” “Were the Venetians reliable allies of the papacy?” “Invasive species threaten […]

Prompt 19

Today in the lecture we discussed how national governments, private industry, and space proponents are pushing and funding Mars colonization efforts. Do you think this is worthwhile? Should we be committing our resources to this? Should we instead be spending that money on climate mitigation? Or should we be doing both? Provide your response (150-250 […]

Coral Bleaching.

MINIMUM 5 PARAGRAPHS WITH 5 SENTENCES EACH. AND 3 REFERENCES. Watch the video posted in(youtube video’s URL link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5LshSZn5RA) and write an essay about coral bleaching.  questions provided above are to motivate you to investigate about this topic; you do not need to answer them one by one. The essay must be at least five […]

observational logbook

Length: 1000 wordsFormat: See description below and use APA Quick Answers: Formatting (Links to an external site.) TASKScientific inquiry starts with observation — observing a phenomenon, observing how something works or the changes it undergoes — which then develops into a question and systematic study. Careful records in the form of a logbook are kept […]

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