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Documentaries review

Length: 2000 words
looking the TWO documentaries 1. Blue. Dir. Derek Jarman, UK, 1993. 1h19.        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo5BBifhS6M.
                                                  2. The Gleaners and I. Dir. Agnes Varda. 2000. 1h22m. )
write an essay in response to the following topics:

Bearing witness describes a structure of documentary spectatorship in which viewers are solicited to listen, acknowledge and affirm an experience to which one or more people, a community perhaps, testifies. More than this, it is a mode of spectatorship interested in transforming a recognition of trauma into a collective social responsibility that might manifest as different practices, whether political activism, forms of mutual aid, or the transformation of a dominant cultural memory. Compare and contrast how at least two documentary films establish such a structure of spectatorship.

1.closely analyse, and compare and contrast, the use of bearing witness in each of these films
2. use that work to develop a thesis statement about the nature and function of bearing witness or spectatorship  in these films.

This is a research essay so that it require at least SIX references from professional  books or articles.(google schooler to search) & PLEASE used at least 2 article I provided in the below.

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