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Edaward Snowden

 7. Edward Snowden, traitor or hero? Edward Snowden was a contractor for the NSA and a former employee of the CIA. Snowden released thousands, if not millions of documents proving that various American intelligence agencies  were violating their charters if not actually violating laws by gathering telephone conversations, emails, messages and various other communications of American citizens. Some people believe that Edward Snowden is a whistle blower against the super-secret intelligence agencies by leaking those documents. Other people believe Snowden is a traitor for violating American laws and fleeing to Russia in order to claim asylum and remain out of prison. Develop a hypothesis as to whether Snowden is a whistle-blower or a traitor and support that hypothesis with research.  

Minimum of 7 to 8 pages and 6 references. The page count does not include title page and reference pages.  Please use the 7th ed. APA student paper formatting for your research papers.  Be sure you have an introduction and a summary with appropriate topics in between.  One final note, I do not like direct quotes (copy and paste) from your sources.  You should research your topic, read the references and then paraphrase your sources.  You are still required to cite your sources.  Every reference requires a citation within the body of the paper and every citation requires a reference.  

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