Option 2-Social Problems ProjectSocial ProblemsResearch PaperFor Option # 2, you will write an 9-10-page (not counting title page and reference page)double-spaced research paper about asocial problem. Your research paper should be written in proper essay format, with cited sources, a title pageand a reference page.Steps to Writing theResearch Papers1.Step # 1-Select asocial problem that you would like to write about. Brainstorm possible ideas that you could focus on related to your social problem and the points that you would like to make.2.Research, using the library function at Fullerton Colleges website or visit in person. Click here to access the library. Research 5or more scholarly journal articles about your topic. Confused about what a scholarly journal is? Click here to review what makes an articlea scholarly journal.You may also use other sources in addition to the journal articles3.Also incorporate data or findings from one additional source or more (may be a book, credible news source, government website, etc.).4.Take notes from your findings.You may also use websites and books, as well as the textbook, for additional information about your topic. I would recommend making an outline to help you organize what you want to write.5.Select one sociological theory that you would like to incorporate into your research paperand explain how that theory looks or analyzes your selected topic. 6.Create your title page with the name of the paper, your full name, the class, and date.7.Write your introduction with a thesis statement. Make sure that all of your supporting paragraphs support the main idea presented in the introduction. 8.Write your supporting paragraphs. Dont forget to have main ideas and topic sentences for each paragraph and support that idea with research data. All research should be
Research Paper Due Sunday, May 2ndproperly cited in APA format. That includes paraphrased research material as well as direct quotations. 9.Finish the paper with a conclusion. The conclusion should wrap up the main points covered in the paper and suggestions for future research. 10.Make sure that your paper is written in the third person point of view and keeps a scholarly tone. This is more formal than an opinion piece or blog. Make sure that your writing reflects that. Click here to review what writing in the third person includes.11.At the end of your research paper, include a reference page listing all of your sources used in APA format. This would include your required fivescholarly journals, your 1 other required source,any websites or books used,and any other sources.12.Edit and proof-read your research paper for errors. I would recommend having a friend that is good at editing review your paper before submitting.
Homeless veterans (Social Problem