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How do Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton represent suicide in their confessional poetry?

Part 1 Introduction

Talk about the two writers separately. Say what this dissertation will do outline the three chapters.              Suicidal Ideation talks about being a taboo topic at the time. How do these 2 poets use 3 senses (imaginary personas, pronouns, metaphors) to speak about the unspeakable. Which devices do the poets use to present suicidal ideation that they have in common

Part 2 Chapter 1 Confessional Poetry

Confessional poetry has been defined in a variety of ways. This variety of ways help us define and compare the way they white poetry about suicide. How does confessional poetry talk about taboo topics. In a way it was created by the poets for this purpose. Its a collection of characteristics and devices. Their poetry confessing taboo subjects at the time. Use some poems as examples for their utter confessional characteristics. They create the confession. How different is to lyrical poetry? How different is to the interior monologue or the dramatic monologue.

Part 3 Chapter 2 Images, Metaphors and the Theme of Suicidal Ideation in their Poetry

Metaphors clearly talk about the taboo topic of suicidal ideation in an indirect way. How do these poets use mechanisms on insinuate or imply the unnamable taboo topic of suicide?

Specifically use Poems: Flee on your donkey, Tulips, Daddy, The Addict, Cut, Lady Lazarus.

How suicide is represented through these devices?

Part 4 Chapter 3 The Persona and Personal pronouns as representation of the suicide theme in their poetry

We, I , They, You. The personal & personal pronouns are used as a mask, trying not to reveal the true self. The personal gave them the frankness and freedom to talk about the suicidal ideation. How is the theme represented through them? Sexton uses the I more than Plath? Compare them what does this tell us?

Part 5 Conclusion

How both poets masked the theme of suicide in their poems in times when speaking about it was considered forbidden/taboo

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