Here are some questions to ask yourself to help develop your own personal philosophy of school health education:
Why is there is a need for school health education? Why is it important?
What are the top health concerns of school-aged children that need to be addressed through the school health education curriculum?
What are your personal beliefs about the purpose of school health education?
What topics do you think should be taught as part of a comprehensive school health education curriculum?
What do you feel is the role of a school health educator?
What are your personal beliefs about how should health education should be taught?
What do you feel are the characteristics of an effective health education curriculum?
What do you think the school health education curriculum should look like?
What do you think school health educators need to do to help their students adopt positive health behavior?
Do you think it is important for school health teachers to be positive role models to students?
Are there instructional strategies you think are important for teaching health education and motivating students to learn?
Do you believe assessment should be part of the learning experience? If so, what do you feel is the role of assessment in the teaching and learning process?
Do you feel the health educator has any other responsibilities in fostering student wellness besides that of their role in the classroom?
Do you believe in a comprehensive approach to school health education?
Do your feel there is more to student health than just health education class? What else should be done in schools to improve student health?
What do you feel is the role of the school or school health educator in implementing the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model?
Do you believe the school should provide health services to students?
What do you think the school environment should look like to promote student health?
Do you feel schools are responsible for addressing the mental, social, and emotional health of students?
Do you feel schools are responsible for addressing nutrition and physical activity levels of students?
How important do you think it is that school health educators stay up to date on emerging issues and technologies?
Do you think it is important for health educators to be culturally sensitive and foster cultural awareness in their classrooms?
Informed decision making within school health education