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Major depression in 15 year old

Page 1
Review an Evidence-Based Practice article referring to an adolescent patient diagnosed with Major depression., , or medication (summarize the study, include a rating of the article, (citation for the rating scale & put the article and rating scale in your references), instruments utilized, relevant findings.
Section 1 summarizes the study do not copy abstract – 1 paragraph

Section 2 Rate the article with the John Hopkins rating scale-( this rating tool will be attached in a separate document.) 1 paragraph

Section 3 describe how this newly learned information can be applied to improve the care of an adolescent patient – 1 paragraph

Page 2
Research the pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics of Fluoxetine
and escitalopram

Section 1
pharmacodynamics of Fluoxetine- 1 paragraph
pharmacokinetics of Fluoxetine- 1 paragraph

Section 2
pharmacodynamics of Escitalopram-1 paragraph
pharmacokinetics of Escitalopram- 1 paragraph

Research psychotherapy for adolescent patient major depression. It can not be Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- at least 1 paragraph

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