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National Cinemas: Scandinavia

When we view and discuss foreign films we are often asked to consider a directors creative engagement with questions of culture, history and politics.  Filmmakers working in a given geographic region and an historical period often tell stories in order to express their views on their respective societies problems, concerns and issues.  You task is to examine a Scandinavian film listed on the syllabus in terms of its critique of politics and culture.  Please address the following:

What is the director telling us about Nordic national culture and identity and what type of critique of their society are they presenting?  What are the main themes and concerns of the work?

What is the directors view of their specific countrys political tradition and history?  What is the main view of history that they are advancing?

How was the particular film relevant to audiences at the time of its release and how might it be more generally about Scandinavian society and culture?

What universal themes are presented that also make the film easily assimilated by audiences outside of Scandinavia? 

Please support your opinions with specific examples from the film. You may compare and contrast two films if you would like but only if it is to compare a Scandinavian film to its American remake. In addition, please refer to at least one reading, whether on the syllabus or a product of your own research, and utilize it to support your views.  Internet sources are only acceptable if they are from academic journals or institutions, or critics associated with major newspapers or culture websites.

Your term paper should be seven pages in length (no less than six and no more than ten). It is imperative that you use only Times, Times New Roman, New York, Helvetica, Palatino or Arial as your 12 point font and your margins should be no less than one inch all around. If fail to adhere to these guidelines, your grade will be reduced. Written work that is plagiarized will result in immediate failure!  There will be no exceptions! All essays must be uploaded through the SafeAssign link on the course Blackboard site and a copy must be submitted on Classroom. A paper cannot be evaluated until an electronic copy has been screened by SafeAssign.

The upload files are the list of movies you can choose from. You can pick which ever movies you want that are in bold.

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