4. (10 points) Compare and contrast the differences in the policies adopted by China and India to control population growth according to the Todaro and Smith textbook case studies 4 and 5. Use the data of the World Bank in https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=IN-CN to find the fertility rates through time for both countries from 1960 to 2019. Be concise as well as complete in your answer by writing at most two paragraphs to summarize the main points for each country.
5. (10 points) Compare and contrast the differences in the economic development of Rwanda and Burundi since independence in 1962 to 2019 according to the Todaro and Smith textbook case study 6 and supported by the World Bank data in
to analyze the growth of income per capita (GNI per capita PPP constant prices 2017) as well as data in
to analyze the fertility rate. Be concise as well as complete in your answer by writing at most two paragraphs to summarize the main points for each issue.
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