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Please respond to your peers post by noticing something of interest, offering a comment, AND wondering about something.

Responses like I agree and great job are NOT acceptable. Your response should further the dialogue.

Responses that utilize the N.O.W. format will help ensure that you pass the assignment.

N.O.W. Format

N Notice something of interest

O Offer a comment

W Wonder about something

Each post should extend the conversation to understand how one might be doing more or if we should see ourselves as responsible for more on a global stage.

Yaslin Garcia
What, if anything, did you know about eating disorders before watching the video and reading the article?

One thing I knew about eating disorders before watching the video and reading the article is that it affects more women than men. I have heard of males and eating disorders as an issue but it definitely does not get as much attention as a woman having an eating disorder. I also know that there is a certain incline in eating disorders since COVID has started. New eating disorders are also coming into the light more now than ever. For example, Orthorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that is basically when someone is obsessed and stresses eating only clean foods and not indulging or even having unhealthy foods (fast food, white bread, or anything they may consider a dirty food). 

What have you learned so far in this module about eating disorders, related to the material covered in the module?

In this module, I have learned plenty about eating disorders. I have learned that about 10% of diagnosed bulimics are men, and within this number, a majority of them are athletes (Zimmerman, M. 2017). I found this interesting because you see athletes and think it’s the opposite since they are so built and look so healthy. In the Tedx Talk, Devenny discusses different states that he went through. I found it interesting that what he had was bulimia nervosa (TEDxTalks, 2019). I say this because this module taught me that there are so many different types of eating disorders and bulimia nervosa I used to associate with someone being quite thin and looking weak.

What more do you Want to know about it?

I want to learn more about the help that people with eating disorders have that they can get. I also want to learn if these types of eating disorders are similar to having other addictions such as smoking or drinking. Does it have the same effect on the brain? Or a similar type of effect.

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