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We have seen increasing numbers of thefts from nightclubs, where people have their phone/wallet/handbag stolen. Its beginning to have an impact on us! To do some clever problem solving, we need to do some better research around the attitudes of people on a night out, particularly storing valuables.

I need you to read through this guide: https://popcenter.asu.edu/content/theft-customers-personal-property-caf%C3%A9s-and-bars and then have a think about a questionnaire/survey you could develop which would help us understand what people do with their valuables on a night out. Have a think about the key things we may need to understand to change behaviour (e.g. cost of stolen goods, likelihood of goods being stolen). Feel free to give me a call and we can talk about this in a bit more detail!

use other criminlogy research and develop a questionnaire or survey

5 references of criminology related to the research. The questions created needs a reason behind each one please

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