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The Efficiency of Software Technology in The Construction Industry: A Case Study of Revit

You need to state from the outset that this is a case study of one particular software program, Revit.
Your report appears to be assessing its strengths and weaknesses. So tell us that in your Abstract.
But you also need to compare Revit to something else – a competitor. Is AutoCAD a competitor? You need to help us understand where Revit stands in the marketplace and/or future technologies.

There is a LOT of repetition in your sentences. I have marked many of these but then stopped doing so mid-report. Please take the time to comb through your sentences so that each one says something concrete or NEW.

Also, you can do more to unpack the details of Revit for the reader. Tell us more about what EXACTLY it
does that makes it better. Is faster? If so, how much faster? Who says so? If it is more efficient, walk us through what that looks like. Compare it to something else so we can better understand. If it is more streamlined, tell us how it looks in comparison to older models or old ways.

In your Conclusion, it is good to tell us the strengths overall as well as the weaknesses. But don’t add new information there. Make sure you address the details of these throughout the report. How does it stand up to new technologies?

Very important: I do not see ANY charts, graphs, or visuals in your report. You need at LEAST three or four
to help us “see” what you are talking about. Please also attribute where these come from.

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