Individual Assignment 1 Guidelines (In addition to the Syllabus guidelines)
Step 1/Step 2: Choose a topic: Example: Green Logistics and find some sources, for example an article or articles and textbook material, related to your topic.
Example: OReilly, Joseph (2013) Green logistics the Walmart way, Inbound Logistics, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 49-51. Check the textbook Indexing or skim through the text for related terms, definitions, etc.
Step 3: Write a short intro to the topic: Definition (may be from the book). Or, describe the topic in and general logistics-related operational terms.
Example: (Walmart) Worlds number 1 retailer, its supply chain, org. structures, global presence, capacity to change the marketplace, etc. is focused on green logistics. According to the text, the term Green Logistics describes all attempts to measure and minimize the ecological impact of logistics activities (p.3).
Step 4: Clearly identify the challenge/the issue facing organizations related to that logistics topic. Or, identify a general logistics topic.
Example: Going green in a big way
Step 5: Report on how the issue(s) was resolved/addressed.
Example: Corporate culture, collaboration, spreading the word, ROI, positive impact
Step 6: Offer your perspective based on TEXTBOOK material and other sources (at least one other than the article selected and the textbook). You must cite the textbook and articles when writing this part.
Example: We talked about sustainability in class. We defined the term too (you have the definition in the book).
Step 7: EDIT your report. Check the format!
Step 8: Be creative
Example: I am not a big fan of Target compared to Walmart; check online for some green initiatives at Target and compare.
Writing Assignment